Consultant enjeux climat et professeur affilié à L'ESCP

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Pierre Peyretou graduated from ESCP Business School and participated from 2009 to 2016 in the launch and management of several Internet companies in three countries in Europe and worked as analyst in a Venture Capital fund in Hamburg. From 2017 to 2019, Pierre led the program DataCity, co-built by the City of Paris and NUMA, bringing together 15 major groups and 11 startups around Mobility, Energy and Environment urban projects. Pierre is now Affiliate Professor at ESCP Business School, co-author of the 30-hour Masters course Energy - Business, Climate & Geopolitics given in Paris, London and Berlin and he edited the website Commons For Future to make the course content open and free.

Inventeur du triangle de l'inaction

Enjeux énergie - climat

Spécialiste de l'économie bas-carbone

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Les ressources crées par Pierre PEYRETOU

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Gauthier LAFFONT
Mathilde RONZE
Auguste BASSET

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